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Salut @BigBob
Merci d'avance pour le fichier PDF !

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salut a tous
dite chez vous aussi ne fonction plus ?
bonne soiré
Il marche très bien...

Please enter the URL detailled page at from where you want to fetch VIN.

leave blank to fetch from default URL : « ».

The number of posts at this URL is 6/30 and found 3 valid VIN's.

Do you want to fech a specific VIN number or all VINs from this URL ? (leave blank for all, otherwise enter the VIN you are looking for...).


Ok, Fetching all VINs from :

ah bah j'ai un problème alors de mon coté impossible
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Idem, site injoignable selon cloudflare.


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doit y avoir un soucis moi il passe de en ligne a en panne quand sa lui chante

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Merci pour le décodage du VIN.
Est-ce que le fichier comporte les champs de l'étiquette d'identification? (absente pour le Transporter)
Comment est-il possible d'ajouter un deuxième VIN sur son profil?
Comment est-il possible d'ajouter un deuxième VIN sur son profil?
Salut, ce n'est pas prévu ;) Si tu écrit un post pour ton Transporter renseigne les information du véhicule dans le message.
Salut à tous,
Quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de décoder le VIN de mon nouveau véhicule en txt et pdf svp ?
merci beaucoup :)
Bonsoir à tous,

Quelqu'un peut-il me communiquer le fichier txt pour le VIN WVWZZZ3CZBE367146, s'il vous plaît ?

Bonne fin de soirée,
@sp3dia : As you seem more confortable using english, I'll use this language for my question.
How do you get the VIN file ?
This question comes because ETKA gives incorrect result with this file : my car is a Passat variant (36535X), and ETKA indicates Passat sedan (3C2002).

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Comparing the VIN file with those of my other cars, I find 2 differences : 2 fields are empty
We should find :
- 6 ciphers after engine code (between the ; ; following CFBB)
- 3 ciphers after gearbox code (between the ; ; following LNZ)
All other parts have the same length.

Please, can you get the missing parts ?

Thank you for your attention,
So I suppose that there is a difference between PETKA and ETKA 8.1, because we dont get the same result.
Your display is exact (I have a printing of all PR codes, kindly made by VW workshop from their ETKA)

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I suppose that PETKA differs from ETKA by ignoring those 2 numbers.
Do you know something about that ?

I can make a test completing the missing fields with 2 numbers (as 111111 and 111), without being sure that I won't get invisible errors.
Otherwise I'll have to find a complete VIN file.
Here are the first datas of 5 VIN files :
- an old Golf III
- my crashed Octavia
- a Golf V
- a Leon
- this Passat VIN file

The 4 first ones work fine with ETKA.

WVWZZZ1HZSP394274;1H12C2;B4B4RB;ABD ;526283;CWM;028;16031995;X3A;1995;


VSSZZZ1PZAR004774;1P1212;Z4Z4BN;BXE ;86101;JCR;049;15062009;X3A;2010;

WVWZZZ1KZ6W026772;1K112A;X6X6JS;BKC ;717764;GQQ;011;14072005;X3A;2006;


We can see that in all cases, there are :
- 6 (or 5) digits before gearbox code (LNZ for the passat)
- 3 digits after gearbox code

After year value, no problem : we find the PR codes, ending by the paint code.
And why did you ask on the website to help you decode the chassis series, if you already have all the PR codes (as you said: I have a printing of all PR codes, kindly made by VW workshop from their ETKA)?
I forgot to answer to the above question : I can use the pdf file to get the PR codes (exemple given : shock absorber choice, adjustments...)
But my main use is to insert the VIN txt file in ETKA, so can I get the exact part numbers for the declared car, (other versions are shaded).
(And ETKA is linked with ELSAWIN)

I don't say your decoding is not good, I only say that Partslink24 program gives you sufficient data for PETKA (but unfortunately, ETKA requires 2 more fields).

You did your best : thank you for spent time !
Have a pleasent day,

Bonsoir @BigBob
Merci d'avance pour le fichier PDF !

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(y)Merci Beaucoup _


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