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probleme seat ibiza 19tdi 100ch (2 Membres)


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Membre Junior 😐
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bonjour voila mon probléme sa s'est arriver d(un coup j'ai plus de direction assister volant dure quand je tourne mon volant mon aiguille de jauge de gasoil decend sur la resérve et bip puis remonte et sa a chaque coup de volant ou nid de poule et enfin j'ai ma pédale de frein dure j'ai penser au mastervac mais pas sur de moi j'ai rien toucher qui pourait me donner leur avis la dessus j'ai juste une diag avec vcds que voici merci.

VIN: VSSZZZ6LZ7R119647 License Plate:

Chassis Type: 6L (6L - Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (2002 > 2009))
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 15 17 19 25 37 44 46 55 56

VIN: VSSZZZ6LZ7R119647 Mileage: 268430km-166794miles
Address 01: Engine Labels: 038-906-019-ARL.lbl
Part No: 038 906 019 HK
Component: 1,9l R4 EDC 0000SG 1492
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 06402
VCID: 67DD0E9B056DDD7CB9-4B18

6 Faults Found:
18020 - Engine Control Module Incorrectly Coded
P1612 - 35-00 -
16989 - Internal Control Module
P0605 - 35-00 - ROM Error
18080 - Coolant Fan Control 1
P1672 - 35-10 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent
18261 - Powertrain Data Bus
P1853 - 35-10 - Implausible Message from ABS Controller - Intermittent
19561 - Valve for Intake Manifold Flap (N239)
P3105 - 35-10 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent
17678 - PD Unit Injector: Cylinder 4 (N243)
P1270 - 35-10 - Regulation Range Exceeded - Intermittent
Readiness: 0 0 X X X

Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 6R0-907-37x-ASR80.clb
Part No SW: 6Q0 907 379 AG HW: 6Q0 907 379 AG
Component: MABS 8.0 front H05 0002
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000000000
Coding: 0002202
Shop #: WSC 06402 785 00200
VCID: 020B3F0F5E0F18540E-515A

4 Faults Found:
00283 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor; Front Left (G47)
012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 101
Reset counter: 191
Mileage: 268436 km
Time Indication: 0

18055 - Check Coding of ECUs on Powertrain Data Bus
P1647 - 000 -
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 101
Reset counter: 191
Mileage: 268436 km
Time Indication: 0

18265 - Load Signal
P1857 - 000 - Error Message from ECU - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 101
Reset counter: 191
Mileage: 268436 km
Time Indication: 0

00285 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor; Front Right (G45)
008 - Implausible Signal
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 101
Reset counter: 191
Mileage: 268436 km
Time Indication: 0

Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: None
Part No: 6L0 820 043 E
Component: CLIMAtronic PQ24 3805
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 285F4DA798F3120470-515A

2 Faults Found:
01274 - Air Flow Flap Positioning Motor (V71)
000 - - - Intermittent
00792 - A/C Pressure Switch (F129)
000 - -

Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels:. 6Qx-937-049-C.lbl
Part No: 6Q1 937 049 D
Component: 0000 BN-SG. 1S34
Coding: 00140
Shop #: WSC 06402
VCID: 3C7781F72C6BAEA404-515A

2 Faults Found:
01598 - Drive Battery Voltage
07-10 - Signal too Low - Intermittent
00925 - Fuse (30) for Interior Lamps (S261)
37-00 - Faulty

Address 15: Airbags Labels: 6Q0-909-605-VW5.lbl
Part No: 6Q0 909 605 AE
Component: 0H AIRBAG VW5 0C 0010
Coding: 12360
Shop #: WSC 06401
VCID: 7AFB47EF66DF509456-515A

1 Fault Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
07-10 - Signal too Low - Intermittent

Address 17: Instruments Labels: 6L0-920-xx3-17.lbl
Part No: 6L0 920 823 C
Coding: 00102
Shop #: WSC 00000
VCID: 2D51BCB3E711372C83-5178

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: 6N0-909-901-19.lbl
Part No: 6N0 909 901
Component: 0069 GATEWAY CAN 1S34
Coding: 00014
Shop #: WSC 06402
VCID: 70EF65C730A31AC4E8-5178

No fault code found.

Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 5J0-920-xxx-25.clb
Part No: 6L0 920 823 C
Coding: 00102
Shop #: WSC 00000
VCID: 2D51BCB3E711372C83-515A
VSSZZZ6LZ7R119647 SEZ5Z0FN221381

1 Fault Found:
01176 - Key
07-00 - Signal too Low

Address 44: Steering Assist Labels: 6Q0-423-156.clb
Part No: 6Q0 423 156 AB
Component: LenkhilfeTRW V270
Coding: 10111
Shop #: WSC 06402
VCID: 6FED66BB2D9D053CF1-513C

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv. Labels:. 6Q0-959-433.clb
Part No: 6Q0 959 433 E
Component: Komfortgerát 0002
Coding: 00018
Shop #: WSC 06402
VCID: 3D718CF33771A7AC33-4B18

1 Fault Found:
00928 - Locking Module for Central Locking; Front Driver Side (F220)
27-00 - Implausible Signal

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 03:10)--------------------------

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