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  1. BushPigg

    Tutoriel VCDS Release 25.3 - may prompt you to do firmware update before you can scan

    Hello everyone I yesterday updated my VCDS software to version 25.3, and when I tried to run a scan, I was not able to. I have a Hex-V2 connector (original Ross-Tech...). As soon as I opened the software, it prompted me to update / check my firmware, and all options were greyed out / not able...
  2. sabriabcdef

    Recherche Mise à jour firmware RNS-510 Tiguan 2015

    Bonjour, j'espère que vous allez bien. J'ai besoin du software téléchargeable du RNS 510 HW : H27, SW : 6276 pour un système de navigation Continental : 3C8035680 B. Merci de votre coopération...


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